Voice 1
Welcome to Spotlight. I’m Bruce Gulland.
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Voice 2
And I’m Liz Waid. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.
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Some people drink it with food in the afternoon.
Voice 2
Some people drink it to give themselves energy in the morning.
Voice 1
Some people drink it as part of a ceremony.
Voice 2
Some people drink it when they are sick.
Voice 1
Some people drink it hot.
Voice 2
Some people drink it very cold.
Voice 1
People have been drinking it for hundreds of years, in hundreds of countries. What is it? Tea!
Voice 2
Tea comes from the camemellia senensis plant. People pick the leaves off the plant. They set the leaves to dry. The tea leaves are ready when all the water from the leaves is evaporated. There are many ways to prepare the leaves before making the tea drink. Some tea leaves are left open to the air before they are dried. This makes the leaves darker. They will taste stronger. Some people mix tea leaves with flowers, oils, and other plants to give teas different tastes. The people who originally discovered tea developed these methods many years ago.
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The story of tea begins in China. Chinese history says that over five thousand years ago, Chinese emperor Shen Nung discovered tea. Stories say that a dry leaf from the tea plant fell into the emperor’s cup of hot water. The emperor saw that his water turned dark. He tasted the water and liked it. This was the first cup of tea.
Voice 2
However it started, tea became very popular in China. People believed that tea was healthy. People in China also created many different ways to prepare tea. In fact, a man named Lu Yu wrote a book just about tea, late in the eighth century.
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Shortly after this, tea travelled to Japan. Japanese Buddhist priests travelled to China. And they brought tea back with them. In Japan, people developed special ceremonies to serve tea. Serving tea became a new form of art. It was most common among wealthy people.
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Tea was an important part of both Chinese and Japanese culture. It had travelled to other Asian countries too. But tea had not yet travelled anywhere else in the world. Finally, in the late fifteen hundreds, Portuguese travellers brought small amounts of tea back to Europe. Portugal was one of the first European countries to trade with China. Portugal worked with the Netherlands to move the tea through Europe. Dutch ships took tea to France and other countries on the Baltic Sea.
Voice 1
Only very wealthy people had enough money to drink tea in Europe. It took many months to transport the tea from Asia. And only a limited amount was transported. But more countries started to trade with China. They also brought tea back to Europe. Prices became lower, and more people could drink tea.
Voice 2
Today, England is the European country most known for tea. British traders started shipping tea to England in the late 1600s.Tea trade had become a very profitable business. England imported about 18,000 kilograms of tea a year in 1669. Ten years later, the country imported six times that amount of tea!
Voice 1
British colonists also brought tea wherever they settled. Tea became very important in India. It is still a very important crop there. And Indian tea is known around the world.
Voice 2
Tea played an important part in one British colony you might know. This colony is now known as the United States of America. England sent tea to America. But, as time went on, England raised the taxes on the tea and other goods it sent. The people living in the colonies did not like these taxes. To protest the high taxes, a group of colonists took a large shipment of tea and threw it into the ocean. Today, this event is known as “The Boston Tea Party”. It was one of the most important events in the American Revolution.
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Tea has also changed over many years. In the past, people drank tea by putting the leaves directly into the water. But around 1908 an American inventor developed a new method – tea bags. Thomas Sullivan put the tea in a small silk bag. This bag of tea could be put directly into the hot water.
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At first people in Britain did not like tea bags. But, during World War Two, people could not get their normal tea. So they had to use tea bags. Today most tea bags are made of paper. And they are very popular in many parts of the world.
Voice 1
Today, people on every continent drink tea. But people in different places drink tea differently. In the United Kingdom, tea became part of the daily meal.
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Traditionally, two meals involved tea in British homes. These meals became popular in the 1600s [sixteen hundreds]. The first was afternoon tea – or “low tea.” This was popular among wealthy people. They would drink tea and eat small sandwiches of meat and bread. This meal happened around three o-clock in the afternoon. The other meal was called “high tea.” High tea was a larger meal eaten later in the night. It was popular among poorer people.
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In Western Asia and the Middle East, a popular way to enjoy tea is as Masala Chai. Masala Chai is a drink made from black tea. But this drink has sugar, spices and milk in it.
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Around the world people boil plants and flowers to make drinks similar to tea. These are called tisanes. A tisane is any drink made from hot water and any plant material, except from the tea plant. They are also often called herbal teas.
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In areas of South America people enjoy a particular tisane. The drink is called Mate. People make it from the leaves of the yerba mate plant. A person puts dry yerba mate leaves into a dry gourd. This is a container made from a dried vegetable skin. He then adds water to the gourd. He drinks the liquid through a thin metal tube – a bombilla.
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People in Southern Africa make a drink called rooibos. This hot drink is made similar to tea. But instead of tea leaves, it uses the leaves from the rooibos plant. The drink is a red color and is often called red tea.
Voice 1
However you drink tea, the next time you have a cup, think of all the people around the world who are joining you! Enjoy!
Voice 2
Do you drink tea? What kinds of tea do you drink? Tell us what you think! You can leave a comment on our website. Or email us at radio@radioenglish.net. You can also comment on Facebook at facebook.com/spotlightradio.
Voice 1
The writer of this program was Joshua Leo. The producer was Michio Ozaki. The voices you heard were from the United Kingdom and the United States. You can listen to this program again, and read it, on the internet at www.radioenglish.net. This program is called “The Amazing History of Tea”.
Voice 2
Visit our website to download our free official app for Android and Apple devices. We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye.
Do you drink tea? What kinds of tea do you drink?
I sometimes drink tea but I’m not addicted to it, I take red tea as we habited in the past. The Amazing History of Tea Introduced me to the periods of developed the drink
In saudi arabic always we drink red of tea
but you know it’s name black tea though it’s color red. o~o
I come from Turkey. In my country it is the most important drink because we drink it every morning for our breakfast. We can not call it breakfast without tea
I always drink red tea when I’m listening to the stories . I loved this story the amazing history of tea
in Iraq it is very important to have a cup of tea after each meal
I drink tea, the most the I drink is the black tea
It was interesting broadcast I like it, because in my country we drink tea a lot of times, and we have tow way to drink tea the first way its the bag tea and second way It is dried and ground, then put it in hot water, and you can put sugar with or without it .
In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia tea is most famous drink and it’s became after Arabic coffee. There are many kind of tea and herbal drink. People usually prefer drink red tea after breakfast and dinner, and green tea after lunch. Some people add green leaves such as mint it gives special flavour to the tea.
I usually drinks tea in afternoon with my family, I like red hot tea with a sugar.
I’m drink red tea .
I am from Western Sahara. We drink tea, which is our main drink three times a day
Thanks for this article. We all know about the history of tea. It is amazing. I take green tea two times daily. After breakfast one cup and after lunch second time.
I usually drink tea with milk , this is popular in Saudi Arabia ,we used drink it in morning with breakfast,and some people like drink tea without any additional.
I usual drink coffee every morning but today I want drink tea.
Great informative thanks for great lesson.
Usually, I like to drink red tea, but sometimes I prefer to drink tea with malik
Thank you for your program,I like all of them and I listen them several times.
In my country Iran people like to drink tea.in morning after their breakfast,In afternoon and whenever they are tired.black tea is very popular.Iranian tea is very famous and We have tea plantations in Lahijan city.
Yes,I do
I drink green tea ,black tea and red tea
My favorite drink is mint
Yes I do and it’s tea bag
Thanks i get a lot information about tea . My favourite drink is a black tea .
Interesting broadcast . In truth we don’t like tea. My family and I not drink tea except my dad. He is drinks tea every day and with all meals .
Yes I do,red one
Yes I do. I like drink the red tea with mint in early evening but not everyday. I favorite the arabic country than anything else. It is amazing drink. Try it!
We have in Yeman made adeni tea and love drink it its like something important in my day, like maybe I will have a bad day if I’m not drinking adeni and I think you should try it you gone fall in love withe Adine
We are in Yeman make adeni tea and love drink it its like something important in my day like maybe i will have a bad day if im nor drink adeni and i think you should try it you gone fall in love withe adine
lol I know Adeni tea is delicious but doesn’t let you fall in love
In the UAE most people drinks the tea with milk and it called “KaraK” .
Actually I like Matcha its green tea but in different way which is back to Japan . I drink it with milk and sometimes without ,and I really like it
In Algeria, the most popular is the green Tea, so delicious
Algerian Tea is the green tea, so delicious!
I drink a hot black tea. Sometimes with a sandwich during the breakfast or after the lunch time which is so popular in my home- Egypt.
Yes i drink tea, i like drink tea in a way tea bag and add tea leaves and sugar this way very delicious.
Yes, I drink tea and I like to drink it with flowers or lemon
Thank you for this wonderful programme
Yes l drink a tea and l drink tea in the morninig with my breakfast and l drinks in the afternoon with my mother every day and sometime l drink a lot of kind of tea
Yes , i drink tea a lot in day . and i drink the north african tea and it have a strong taste
Yes , i drink tea a lot in a day, what i usually drink is the north african tea it have a strong taste so i eat sweets with it .
hello everyone, about me I prefer drink tea before I sleep , or in the middle of the day , but I don’t like drink it in the morning or when I wake up . red tea my fav kind Specifically with mint …
we are in Iraq drink black tea and sometime red. we are usually add’ suger . we drink it in breakfast with cake and also sometime we drink it after lunch
yes , The red tea of course.
We are in Algeria. We usually drink green tea with sugar,honey or lemon.we usually drink it after launch or in the morning.
yes ‘ I drink English tea
In my country we drink red tea and white tea(tea with milk)
Yes and a lot.
Mate , matcha ect..
Yes, absolutely I like drink tea. I drink black tea with ginger and little sugar, that’s very strong but i like it in winter.
it was amazing broadcast
yes i do i from meddle east we drink red tea after lunch meal
Yes l do , l love to drink green tea after each meal
Yes.l drink tea every morning .That is gives me energy .but l don’t have it in the evening ,especially befor sleeping.
I drink green tee and also in my vallage we make tea with suger , milk, Cloves and cardamom.
in morocco tea was in important part of meal
1- Yes , I drink tea everyday
2- I enjoy drinking tea with sugar and cardamom
kilograms of tea a year in 1699. (wrong in the transcript)
kilograms of tea a year in 1669. (correct)
Thank you for noticing the error. We have made the correction on the transcript.
in my country we drink the tea in at any time in a day ,especially in the morning .
Honestly, I love tea very much. I always drink it in the afternoon. My favorite kind of tea is black tea.And I prefer to drink tea without Suger. In the end , thank you for this program, it was very interesting.
Yes , I drink red tea in the morning and also in the evening .
And really, thank you spotlight.
Am so happy picoms Learn language english
yes i drink tea
i drink Green tea
Yes I’m from lovers tea especially black tea her in my area we drink it three times in day with anything food or drink thanks for this new nhowledge
yes I enjoy to take my kark.tea with milk and spices at mornings in front of my garden without any thing can disturb me during this.i love this moment .
Nice story thank you
Actually I prefer drinking coffee ☕️
Yes, I drink tea, usually drink tisane, the drink is called manzanilla, plant used medicinally
In Spain people drink both coffee and tea.
I personally love tea
For breakfast I have a mixture if three types of tea, black, white and red.
It’s delicious.
Thanks for your article. Very interesting.
Yes l drank tea every day.i love drank tea with milk in the morning and at night
In Sudan we drink black tea with sugar and (luqaimat)
I like to drink tea with meant but sometimes without it
I drink tisanes, the plant with preparate tisanes is manzanilla:
I dont like tea but l like a tisane
Yes I do.Idrink red tea
Yes, I drink tea.
My favorite kind of tea . It is called iced tea.
I always drink now it’s my favourite matcha
Yes I do.
Black tea
I do drink tea.
I drink normal tea and also mate although in my country Ecuador it is not popular.
At first I didn’t like the tea , but now it is my favourite drink at all
Yas I do. Type 1
Yes I do I’m drinking a black tea in the morning and a red tea in the afternoon
Yes, every morning drink a cup of warm tea drink but mix it with milk and and i eat one or two pieces of biscuits
Yes in Morocco Always we drink tea
In south Algéria we drink red tea in afetrnon
I´m Colombian but I lived a long time in Venezuela as well. Respect to the tea i found similar costumes between this two countries. People from Colombia and venezuela don´t like so much the tea. Probably the high uses of the drink tea, was in the morning; but it´s important to know than venezuelan an Colombian people prefer coffee instead tea.
However, in some parts of the colombian country such Pereira and Manizales cities, people liked so much tisans and uses them in special moments of the day, specially in the afternoon.
Why people prefer the coffee then tea ?
Okey I think my father gonna day if he didn’t drink black tea many times during the day .. if he wound his hand tea comes out
We in Yemen drink tea is red and black
Wow. I like the tea thanks it was a wonderful ☺️
yes I do
I like of black tea and like it drink by big cup
Hello hello!!
Yes, I do. A friend of mine not long ago gave me a box full of all kinds of teas and tisanes.
I drink all types of tea, no adding sugar and I usually have one cup after lunch.
When it’s cold and you get home you prepared a cup of tea and it’s so restorative, also it has numerous benefits for your body for instance for your skin cuz is a great source of antioxidants, gives you energy as well, all advantages.
So I recommend everybogy having a cup tea and tisanes every single day, in summer time you can have cold teas and tisanes.
Bye till next time!!!
Thanks for you to talking about this , i live in Middle East in Syria and we here love tea very much but Specifically where i live we love Mate more than tea .
Yes I drank a tea the kind of tea i drank is Mint tea it is make a tea taste
Yes i drink tea i prefer to drink green tea
Red tae
I drink a black tea on my breakfast.
In Algeria we drink green tea with mint
In Algeria we drink green tea with mint.
in Tunisia we drink green tea with mint and some nuts
I drink a tea everyday I love it, I drink of tea a red.
January 15, 2025
Dear Liz Waid, Bluce Gulland, Joshua Leo, and Michio Ozaki
How are you?
My name is Severino Ramos, I am from Brazil, and I live in São Paulo City.
Question number 1 – Do you drink tea?
Yes, I do. I drink chamomile and fennel tea. Every night I drink a cup of it before go bed. I like it so much.
Question number 2 – What kinds of tea do you like?
I like herbal tea and plant tea as I mentioned before: Chamomile and fennel tea!
Fennel has a sweet taste so I like it so much. Thank you very much.
Yours regards,
Severino Ramos
Black and hot tea
In saudi arabic people always drink red tea. And usually people that smoke like the tea than others.
In Egypt drink tea after each meal red tea
yes, I drink tea. I like red tea and sometimes drink green tea.
I am from Egyp. In Egypt a cup of tea after athe meal is very important
yes , I like drink green tea ,with mint after eating lunch
Yes, I always drink tea, but sometimes I drink it with milk