Patrick Woodward and Megan Nollet talk about very unique discoveries and what they might reveal of ancient cultures.
Alice Irrizary and Colin Lowther talk about how video games may help people suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or with drug and alcohol addictions.
Roger Basick and Marina Santee share about the history of World Expo’s, why they were started and what they accomplished and continue to do for the world.
Marina Santee and Patrick Woodward share about an extreme experiment, the important discoveries that were made about the importance of human touch.
Colin Lowther and Alice Irrizary talk about the DART project and how scientists are working on a future planetary defense system.
Roger Basick and Katy Blake talk about how the printing press was invented and how it changed the world.
Joshua Leo and Liz Waid look at an unusual project by scientists. They worked to bring justice to the study of birds’ brains.
Marina Santee and Roger Basick talk about goldfish that live in the wild and their effect on the environment.
Colin Lowther and Alice Irrizary talk about an interesting discovery from a very old tunnel. What kind of animal would have dug the tunnel and how long ago? Find out by listening to this program.
Roger Basick and Megan Nollet talk about the nearly extinct Tasmanian Tiger and the new and perhaps controversial project to avoid its extinction.