Do you drink tea? What kinds of tea do you drink? All over the world, people share a love of tea. Bruce Gulland and Liz Waid look at the history and customs of this popular drink.
Liz Waid and Joshua Leo take a trip around the world to eat street food - food that costs little money and is sold beside the street.
Dave Bast and Liz Waid look at the book “Hungry Planet: What the World Eats”. This book shows the different ways people prepare and eat food around the world.
How do you practice food safety? Joshua Leo and Liz Waid discover how to avoid disease from food with the World Health Organization's "Five Keys to Safer Food."
Colin Lowther and Marina Santee talk about cheddar cheese, where it came from and its interesting history.
In recognition of "World Food Day", Liz Waid and Colin Lowther look at foraging – searching for food growing wild. They look at the benefits, and some warnings, about this method.
Do you like to eat insects? Anne Muir and Liz Waid look at this important food source. Eating insects may even save the world!
Liz Waid and Adam Navis look at a food people eat all around the world: pizza! They look at the history and culture of this world food. What is your favorite topping?
Is fermented food or drink popular in your country? Bruce and Megan talk about a food that has been used for thousands of years, yeast!
Would you eat meat that is created in a laboratory? Bruce Gulland and Liz Waid explain how in vitro meat is made and the positive and negative aspects of the process!