International Day of UN Peace Keepers | History of Applause

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George Hatcher, via Flickr

Are there special customs for applause in your home country? In recognition of the UN’s “International Day of UN Peace Keepers”, Bruce Gulland and Liz Waid look at clapping, cheering and other kinds of applause.

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Welcome to Spotlight. I’m Bruce Gulland.

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And I’m Liz Waid. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

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Voice 1 

People communicate thoughts and feelings in many different ways. Sometimes a group of people will share one thought or feeling. They can communicate this together.

Listen to a crowd at a football game. 

A symphony concert.

A political speech.

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Can you hear how these crowds communicate? It is applause! Applause is a way to show support. Applause also says ‘thank you.’ And it can show how much a crowd likes something. People applaud for many things. But when did people start to make noise with their hands in this way? And what affects how people applaud? Today’s Spotlight is on the history of applause.

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Applause is a form of cheering. A group of people make noise at an event like a music show or a sports game. They sometimes make noise with their mouths. But applause usually includes clapping hands. People hit both of their hands together to make a sharp noise. When many people do this at once it can be very loud!

people cheering at a concert
Photo by Nicholas Green
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People have been clapping for thousands of years. In ancient Rome, theatre shows were very popular. Actors performed a show. Then they would ask the audience for applause. Applause was a way for the crowd to say ‘thank you’ to the performers. But it was also more than this. People could also communicate how much they liked the performance. If they liked it very much they would applaud very loudly and for a long time. But if they did not like it, they would only applaud a little bit. In this way, a crowd could communicate as a group.

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Applause also connected people to their leaders. Political leaders in ancient Rome gave long speeches to the people. And people could talk back through applause. Greg Aldrete is a professor of history at the University of Wisconsin. He studies politicians in ancient Rome. Aldrete told The Atlantic magazine that leaders would listen to the applause of the crowd. They would measure how long and loud it was. From this they would understand if the people supported them.

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Politicians and performers even began to pay people to applaud loudly. They hoped that if the crowd heard people clapping loudly, they would all clap loudly too. In 17th century France, there was a group of people called the ‘claque.’ An actor or politician could pay them money. The claque charged money for different kinds of cheering services. They would clap and shout. The claque would even boo a performance. This showed that they did not like it.

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Applause developed into a complex system of clapping and other noises. In this way, the crowd did not just watch the theatre or political speeches. They were able to be involved. Greg Aldrete explains some of the different ways a crowd could communicate:

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“Their ways of using applause included much more than clapping alone. Crowds made noises like thunder but they also buzzed. They also trilled. Crowds developed ways to express how much they liked the person or persons before them. They used claps, snaps of the finger and thumb and even waved the edges of their clothing.”

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In more modern times people stopped using this kind of complex clapping. It became more important for a crowd to know when to clap. For example, at some kinds of music performances, people should wait to clap until the end. This is good manners. Aldrete says:

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“Knowing when to stay silent, as well as when to clap, became a mark of education and class. It was a new kind of system for audiences to learn. Applause became a matter of “do” or “don’t,” “all” or “nothing”. It lost much of its old complexity.”

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But people still applaud in many ways. People in different countries also applaud differently. Andrew Litton is a musician. He conducts symphonies, guiding all the musicians to play their instruments together.  He has performed all over the world. He told BBC music magazine:

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“In the northern countries, if they like you they will launch into rhythmic applause quite soon. And they will keep the rhythmic applause going. But they do not cheer. They do not shout. And in America standing up to applaud is common. People stand immediately and make lots of vocal sounds – lots of shouting ‘Bravo.’ In Germany, you can actually count to three or five slowly after the music stops. Then the applause starts. It is almost like a spiritual feeling. They want to have that spiritual feeling or silence. And then they clap for much longer than anyone else on the planet!”

Voice 2 

Some countries even applaud with special kinds of claps or other noises. A writer from China commented online about a special applause used at the Peking Opera:

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“Sometimes an actor does an especially good job on a song. Then a few members of the audience will call out “Hao!” in a loud voice. This means “Good!” in Chinese. People will call out one here and one there, faster and faster.”

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But even within a culture there may be differences in how crowds applaud. Jean-Yves Thibaudet is a concert pianist. He thinks that the size of the city affects applause. He told BBC music magazine:

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“In most of the big capitals people are used to going to a concert. So they will have a similar experience with applause. But sometimes I go to very small places where they do not have so many concerts. Then you hear they have the most incredibly warm and excited response.”

people watching a soccer match
Photo by Michael Lee
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Applause may depend on the country or size of the crowd. It may come in many forms. But one thing does not change. Artists, sports players and speakers all enjoy hearing applause. It is an important part of their job. Musician Andrew Litton explains:

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“An audience’s approval is part of the satisfaction that goes with what we do. People have paid money to attend your concert. And you play this music which hopefully the audience will find joyful and encouraging and spiritually satisfying. So in the end you would like some thanks for it. It is not for the money that we perform. It is really for the sense of sharing this great music. Part of the sharing process is the applause at the end.”

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Are there special customs for applause in your home country? Leave your comments on our website at Or you can email us at

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The writer of this program was Rena Dam. The producer was Luke Haley. The voices you heard were from the United States and the United Kingdom. All quotes were adapted for this program and voiced by Spotlight. This program is called: “The History of Applause.”

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We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye.


Do you remember the last time you clapped your hands? Who or what did you clap for? Write your answer in the comments below.

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  • I’m from Saudi Arabia.Our customs for applause it represents in clapping and say good word like well done . Also in concert the spectators sometimes say the name of the singer as a type of admire.In football match , they sing some song that supports players .

  • From:
    To: spotlight program
    Subject: to answer to the questions below
    Date: Wednesday 21, October 2020
    Location: São Paulo city – São Paulo Brazil South America

    Dear Liz Waid, Bruce Gulland, Rena Dam, and Luke Haley

    First, I want to applaud you for bringing us more one great article. Congratulations!
    Question 1 – Do you remember the last time you clapped your hands?
    Answer 1 – Yes, I do. It was recently.
    Question 2 – Who or what did you clap for.
    Answer 2 – You know I am a male nurse and I work for a hospital here in São Paulo Brazil. This is my job.
    So my team and I have applauded many patients that have gotten the cure for COVID 19 virus, when they leave from the hospital on a wheelchair or walking and go to their houses, together with his or her family. So for us professional health care is a blessing.
    God bless you
    Severino Ramos da Silva

  • Good evening,
    Yes, I remember, when I finished this episode I clapped for you all because I enjoyed,
    Thank you so much,
    Hope you all a great days.

    how I can download voice , because I listen to voice in free time I don’t have internet all the time ? please give me one solution.

  • we in saudia arabia when we applause we say nice words and we shout with the person name we also whistle with clapping if the performance was very good

  • Yes, i do. It was recently.
    I clapped for our leader ( Daw Aung San Su Kyi)Who is our country mother.
    I need to applause. For her action
    casuse i really admire on her.
    I wish she will be right back for citizens From mality cop.

  • I don’t remember the last time I clapped my hands. But I usually clap my hand after I see a good movie at the theatre, after I finish my presentation or listen to someone esle’s speech. That is how I express my gratitude and enjoyment for a show or event that I participate in. Thank you.

  • My last applause was been when my favorite team won the ntifi cup it’s a great feeling to see your team on the top and i hope the triplet this year

  • I think , last time i clapped is 1 year ago , i did’t use to clap for anything , and i am dislike this habit
    I don’t remember very well for what i calp.
    by the way , clapping is way to encourage the artist and people

  • Yes, I remember. It was in a weeding before 2 months.
    I was standing and clapping for one of a poet (I didn’t know him actually) bur his poem is very good. And by the way applause way to show respect in my country .

  • yes i remamber i clapped for football for world cup when moroccan team win on poutigal it was very exciting and fun

  • yes, I clapped when Saudi Arabia won against Argentina in soccer.
    It is a good match, and no one expects Saudi Arabia will win at them. that is the reason why it is unique.
    I hope that Saudi Arabia will win the FIFA World Cup and I will applaud them.

  • yes , last month for lecture about medical device , development of MRI device .
    the presenter be amazing process of presentation .

  • I’m not sure if that was my last time or not, but I remember that day when I clapped so hard and so excited, that was after a great song for a Saudi singer his name is Abdulmajeed Abdullah, I was very emotional and satisfied, and all the audience were singing together with one voice was such harmony, we enjoyed the performance a lot, we wish never ends.

  • The last time i clapped my hands was yesterday when Salah scored a goal. Finally it was an offside, but i clapped because i selected Salah in my FPL team.

  • I don’t remember the last time I clapped, not because I’ve never done it, but probably because it would be things of little importance: this is if we’re talking about clapping with our hands, then if we’re talking about clapping only with our thoughts , then I do it every day (the last applause is for Spotlight). I would like to add that I consider it much more beautiful to applaud than to be applauded, just as I have no doubt that it is much more beautiful to love than to be loved. Now I would like to skin my hands to applaud the end of the war in Gaza.

  • Yes, i remember. I have been clapping yesterday after our church leader finished his speech at the end of the ceremony. In Mada, We usually applaud at the end of someone’ speech.

  • Firstly, this audio describes the most common sense of clapping, like applause. As a Vietnamese, this is the first time I have ever heard about this world, just like a synonym. Fun fact, the last time I clapped my hand was around the previous period of May since I saw my crush play the violin. She was adorable as hell, I couldn’t stop myself from looking for her, admiring her, and lying on her lap heh so I kinda spend all of my strength just to celebrate her

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