The End of Handwriting

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Should people stop writing by hand? Would that affect people in a good or bad way? Colin Lowther and Liz Waid look at how handwriting influences people and culture.

Voice 1  

Welcome to Spotlight. I’m Colin Lowther.

Voice 2  

And I’m Liz Waid. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

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Voice 1  

When was the last time you used a pen or pencil? Did you write a list of things to do? Did you sign your name on a legal document? Did you draw a picture? Other than that, a lot of your writing was probably on a computer or smartphone. A small British survey in 2014 found that on average, people had not used a pen or pencil to write in 41 days!

Voice 2  

People write on paper much less than they used to. But is this a good or a bad thing? How is this change affecting people? Today’s Spotlight is on the end of handwriting.

Voice 1  

People have been writing for thousands of years. Writing began with making marks on a flat surface like a rock or clay stone. This took a lot of effort. It lasted for a long time. Then people began to use paper and liquid ink to mark the surface. When this happened, it was easier to write and send messages far away. But it was also easier to lose or destroy writing. Then pages of paper were collected in the first book. So, people could write more. Ballpoint pens let people write faster and more neatly. In fact, the whole history of writing is really people’s attempt to find ways to write faster and more clearly. In this way, computers and smartphones are just another step forward in writing.

Voice 2

But have people lost something important as they stop writing by hand? Many people think writing by hand is more interesting and personal than using a computer or phone. People write using interesting forms of letters and numbers. Each person’s style is a little different. In fact, writing can even be different based on your culture.

Voice 1  

Imagine writing the English letter “t”. If English is your first language, you will most likely first write a line up and down. Then, you will make a line across, nearer to the top of the first line. However, if you are from a country like Japan, China, or Taiwan, you will probably use a different method to make an English “t”. It is common for people there to make the line across first. Then, they will make the line up and down. The line across will be closer to the middle. Adrienne Bernhard believes this difference in writing gets lost in typing. She wrote for the BBC,

Voice 3  

“Text messaging has added to handwriting’s increasing sameness. Print is boring. Handwriting is interesting. Computers cannot show changes a person has written in the text. There are no pictures drawn on the side of the page. There is none of a person’s special character shown in hand-lettered sentences.”

Voice 2  

Writing by hand can also help us learn. Pam A. Mueller and Daniel M. Oppenheimer are psychologists. They study people’s behaviors. They compared students who take notes on a computer with students who use a paper and pen. They found that students who wrote by hand better understood and remembered what they heard.

Voice 1  

One reason for this may be that writing by hand is a simple act. A computer has other software programs. It can connect to the Internet. Students can easily find other things to do. They can visit a website or check social media. But, there is nothing they can do with paper and pen except listen to the teacher.

Image by felixioncool from Pixabay
Voice 2  

Virginia Berninger is a psychologist at the University of Washington. She studied children when they wrote and typed. She took pictures of their brains as they wrote. The children who wrote by hand were able to produce more words more quickly than children who typed. They expressed more ideas. Berninger found that children’s brains showed more activity while writing rather than typing. Handwriting improved the children’s ability to think.

Voice 1  

It is because of this kind of research that the country of France continues to teach handwriting. In France, people see handwriting as an important part of French culture. But it is also an important part of the learning process. Viviane Bouysse is a French school official. She spoke to The Guardian,

Voice 4  

“For a long time we attached little importance to handwriting. But in 2000, we began to build on work in brain sciences. We understood that writing by hand was a key step in brain development. It is not just writing a letter. There is an element of dancing when we write. There is a kind of song in the message. This adds emotion to the text. After all, that is why emoticons were invented, to bring back a little emotion to text messages.”

Voice 2  

And yet there are many people who feel that the end of handwriting is no problem. They believe that typing on computers and phones is just one more step forward in technology. Anne Trubek is the author of The History and Uncertain Future of Handwriting. She wrote for the New York Times,

Voice 5  

“The changes of the digital age may be good for writers and writing. Students learn to type on the keyboard very quickly. So today’s young students may become better writers. Keyboards are a great help to students with some learning disabilities, as well as students with poor handwriting. These students are often marked lower than those who write clearly, no matter what they write.”

Image by free stock photos from from Pixabay
Voice 1  

And it is important to remember that some studies on handwriting and brain development are not always as clear as reports about them may show. It is good to enjoy writing by hand. But we should not let our love for something blind us to the truth. Trubek continues,

Voice 5  

“People talk about the death of handwriting as if it is death of culture. But the goal of education is to prepare students to become successful, working adults. Typing on a computer is clearly more useful than handwriting. There are few places where handwriting is required. And there will be even fewer places by the time today’s children leave school.”

Voice 2  

What do you think? Is writing by hand important in your culture? How often do you use handwriting in your own language? You can type your answer on our website. Or email us at You can also comment on Facebook at

Voice 1  

The writer of this program was Adam Navis. The producer was Michio Ozaki. The voices you heard were from the United Kingdom and the United States. All quotes were adapted for this program and voiced by Spotlight. You can listen to this program again, and read it, on the internet at This program is called, “The End of Handwriting”.

Voice 2  

Look for our free official app in the Google Play Store and in iTunes. We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye.

See the Advanced version of this program


How often do you use your hand to write? Do you think handwriting is important? Write your answer below.

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  • Yes, I use everday handwritten ,
    Ithink handwriting is important Especially in the school instead of devices.This benefits them health.

  • I usually use handwrinting to make buy’s list, or to write my schedules or things that I need to remember during my day.I write when I am studying English; too.I think it is easier to memorize words or expressions when you can write them.In my opinion, handwriting is important because many times you can’t count on digital devices .And when you use the paper ,you can express your emotions more clearly

  • The most important thing is get a clear communication no matter what the way it be done. So, all kinds of writing is important and should be encouraged.

  • Honestly, I am used of taking notes by handwriting in my notes book everyday. Even my life is more and more fulfilled by technical equipment (like smartphones, laptop, PC ect) I still love handwriting. I also love write birthday cards for my friends, my husband by myself. Dont know why but I think that handwriting can help me show my emotion to the receivers (even my handwriting is not really good :))

  • i always use my phone to write anything’s but i think it’s so important to write by hand because it’s part of writing development .

  • In my opinion the handwriting is better than typing ,I think it’s more emotion and in the other hand is good for our hands due to
    when we write in our hands so we make excrsie of a little muscles in the tips of fingers.Ofcorse typing is important todays but we should reback to the handwriting and learn it for childrens.

  • So I haven’t written regularly by hand before I read the article, I always type or take notes on a computer or smartphone because of the useful and convenience of it. but I don’t deny that handwriting is important, especially the memory while I am learning EL

  • A few weeks ago I decide to used handwriting for take notes in English because I need remember how to say a senteses in English and I need to learn how to write that senteses. So I thinkw handwriting is very important when we are learning a new lenguaje.

  • I’m favorite handwriting when I’m study but many people used to use technology by writing this good but we use hand us

  • I truly believe that one day, the raise of handwriting will come back. Human-being always tries to find out the original senses which are brought from the physical touch. That is the reason why some digital pen was an extraordinary price provided by APPLE or SS is still excited by numerous customers.

  • I use handwriting 3 times on my day when I write my study notes and when drw some pictures and write small message for gift . I think it’s important it’s make me think more and imagine what I want to do and what my feel .

  • In my opinion handwriting is important. I have not written by hand for 5 years. I was forgetting that how l write but now I am writing well and I am happy.

  • I am use my hand writing for learning English language now but on my day i doesn’t use my hand writing and I think the handwriting is important for remember and for good line

  • A lot, I use hand writing always when I am studying.
    Yes, hand writing important, but I think in the age of technology use may decrease used.

  • I have worked at bank for 20 years, i seldom whrite by hand, however, i have realized that my handwriting skill is getting lost.

  • – I love hand writing , Actually these days I’m writing by my hand on paper every day .
    – yes , hand writing is very important .

    Miss. Cloud

  • I actually use my handwriting quite a bit, and I don’t remember the last time I used my hand to write. And yes I think handwriting is only important for teaching children.

  • I think that it depend on each situation. Some situations such as you’re going on the road or emergency take note by phone or ipad will easier and you can take a photo relate. Other situations such diary, learning I like writing by hand because it help me to have more time to think and review.

  • I usually handwriting every day in my life. I use both methods of writing and typing but I prefer writing on paper to typing on the computer and smartphone because I can catch up with the new ideas through my head when I write ones on paper. For example, I often take notes and write a to do list in dairy notebooks. I believe that this is a good habit for me, the notebook helps my time management effectively.
    In recent years, some people think that handwriting is not an essential activity because they are assisted by technology tools. Meanwhile, other people believe that handwriting plays an important role. I absolutely agree because this activity reflects their behavior and their culture. Nobody can reject the development of technology and handwriting has conflicting opinions.

  • When I became a first-year student, my practice of writing with my hand began to change. I became used to spending a significant amount of time writing on my laptop. While I was still in high school, this enabled me to realize the significance of the handwriting I had developed throughout my studies. I believe that taking notes on my laptop while studying causes me to get sidetracked since I sometimes go to Gmail, check Facebook, or use Zalo. Other people’s handwriting, on the other hand, helps me pay attention to the instructor. I vividly recall one from when I was studying mathematics. We used a hand – held computer to calculate instead of a sketch – book, which we kept on hand. This causes our brain to accumulate knowledge more slowly, and as a result, we solve the problem more slowly as well. As a long-term result, we will not be able to enhance our capacity to think. However, I do not want to associate the difficulty of taking notes with the usage of my laptop. It’s also convenient to communicate with my instructor and a buddy; we may share files by sending them to each other. As a result, I believe that we should strike a balance between handwriting and hand via technological means.

  • In my opinion, typing is only a more step forward of handwriting and does not give it away completely.
    typing is easier and more intuitive in our technology world.
    yes, you can use handwriting as a personal habit but don’t let your love blind you over the truth.
    I love handwriting and for me, it is a personal thing, not a real working tool.
    In my culture, handwriting is not completely rid of, but both typing and handwriting all have their field.
    In everyday use, I used to use typing on my keyboard for the nature of my job as a software engineer.
    and in my opinion typing on a keyboard is more productive than handwriting.
    so I completely agree with this essay title “End of Handwriting”

  • Every day, I write with my hand. I do it so that I can take notes on many things that I need to remember while I am listening to my professor lecture and exercising. I’ve come across some amazing stories that I like to retell in my notebook, which I keep in my bag. This is a cute notebook, and I decorate it with a lot of stickers and highlighters in a variety of colors. I believe that it is also a method of preserving memories, and I find it to be extremely appealing. Personally, I believe that handwriting has a significant role to play. That’s a lot better than what we’re typing right now. Handwitting has been shown in numerous studies to aid in the expansion of thinking and the development of the brain. Whatever the case, handwriting for hours is better for your eyes than staring at a computer screen for hours on end, according to research. We become easily fatigued when we are exposed to an excessive amount of electromagnetic field. If at all possible, increase the amount of handwriting.

  • I am an engineer, so I usually write a report using laptop or smartphone. But, handwriting is important to me, I must make notes when I have a new ideal or write a draw of my system. And I think writing is a culture in my country, that is never dead.

  • I usually use my hand to write so I can understand more than using phone .
    I think handwriting is so important and won’t get gone , because we can’t dispense it

  • I have bad hand writing skills , I don’t have a good Hand writing ✍️ , but I think that hand writing is important in teaching and studying , it make a students more concern on their lessons
    Also typing on keyboard is great for all people , it is a smart and modern skill that important in all of people life

  • often i’m use my hand to write and draw and anther things but also i use the keyboard
    for some things \ yes of cuors it is importint and must treaning to write using keyboard …

  • On my opinion The handwriting is most important thing on my culture every day I use handwriting to study it exercise my muscles hand

  • I use my hand writing avery single because in the moroccan culture we have a special hand wrting for the arabic language and also the franch.i think the hand wrtin is very important because it reflect a part of the culture.

  • Sometimes I use the handwriting for the my life goal and education things and often in the work, but in the current era of technology should use the write on phone or computer, but the point it important what you write.

  • I usually use hand to write when I learn language because I want to make a notes and write a new words and so on . For me I prefer handwriting than computer typing. However there are advantages to writing using devices such as use mobile phone to write a list of things you want to buy from the supermarket and so on .

  • When study I like use handwriting, special when write important information or word or sentences. And when I feel boring drew anything this make my happy. But typing in phone or computer faster and easy when text messages or mail and reduce lose paper and pollution the environment .and handwriting interesting when learn the children write because this way easy in remove replace words or draw. And handwriting cheaper from devices .

  • i use hand writing when i study or learning some hopy , to do mry list to shopping of super market , usually i dont prefer write by hand its take along time . also when hapend a mistakes its difficullt to fix it .
    of course its important , like what did u say

  • Umm everyday I use handwriting to put my dailygoals on notes.
    I’m don’n care what is better I used both to do what I need.
    Some of my works its better to do with handwriting and another use Smartphone onr Computers to write.

  • Honestly, i use handwritten less than using keyboards because i wrote in keyboards faster ,so i have more time to complete my jobs

  • Actually not regularly I used the handwriting in my own life. The technology had changed most of behaviours so we forward to following new life style. And yet this must not to be ignore the handwriting because it’s really important to develop brain skills to creative into the great expresses and deliver the knowledge by easy way.

  • Turbek all due respect is stupid, dump and have a very shallow level understanding of the world. Education is not just for being successful it was made to prepare us for the world for all kinds and the world doesn’t revolves around just succession and her stupid stand point of view. It was made so people can be intelligent not just walking rocks and adrift with all what’s quick and more efficient something’s are just not better because they’re techinichally better and intelligent includes being creative and expressive more than being efficient, typing is not better because it’s just faster if we look into it has a less usefull capabilities on our minds and something easy is never known as lasting, we do the hard work that actually provides us with life long capabilities and skills. There’s alot of reasons why handwriting is better but I can’t clearly list them until then when I prepare a good disccussion about this I will bring the comment into an end

  • Because I’m still a student yeah, I use handwriting maybe every day, Lectures, Sections, Important notes, Studying
    except that I use typing, Software like to do Microsoft, Word etc.
    Sure, handwriting it’s important thing it’s help you to remember what you write quickly.

  • yes I think the handwriting is quit important and personally I like to much write by hand to my friends I find It more meaningful .

  • Thanks mate. In my opinion yes i think handwriting is good more than and when we compare to digital notetaking or writting we see that the digital notetaking may be cause eye issues and sometimes hurts the eye especial the night when the student prerape to the exam

  • I often use a pen for handwriting everyday. I like to write a list of things to do, shopping list or study English vocabularies. There are many ways to take note something but I prefer to use handwriting.

  • I think handwriting is still important in my culture but in my opinion I prefer typing more it’s easier and more clearly to write and to check and never lose

  • In my country when i was in the school i use my hand to write the notice because nobody can take digital thing to the school so this is very important
    i often use pen to write.

    • Often I use my hand to wright any things like my lesons, home workes, How to do liste. Moreover, I think handwriting is important because this a skill help me to developed my skills in the writing. When l take pencil and started writing I feel to have a lot of information and things about this topic. However, when I use dejital like smart phone, or computer I forget what I will write? Finaly, I prefer handwriting because it is a technical that have been around since ancient times and it consider and discribe the culture of person.

  • Yes. in my opinion, handwriting is extremely important due to you can show your emotions about something by using your way to write and your character, and its more flexible than writing with a computer on one hand and on the other hand its very simple to use

  • Hello
    I’m writing from Saudi Arabia and in my culture we are stell usually using handwriting
    And Its really important pillar in a saudian culture. But our country look forward to add typeing in schools rather than handwriting

  • l think handwriting become death in the future because the life become faster and we don’t have much time to finish the orders . So typing is more important still that the handwriting is most useful

  • Thank you spotlight for these precious informations.
    This item is very important to check and to discuss.
    For me, the Last times when i used the Pen and paper it was today, i write a list of things that i have to remember and to do by handwriting.
    I have to signal that handwriting is very important than typing. Handwriting gather and send a lot of emotions and feelings through it.
    Handwriting is the main step in knowledge and in learning as well.
    While typing is an increasing form of development that handwriting had recognized after. But the origin always rest handwriting.

  • -I use handwriting every day, especially when I study.
    -Absolutely yes, it’s so important to memorize words, make schedules or to-do lists, and write a diary.

  • Handwriting is not important right now in my city everything is on laptops or iPads we use handwriting in very very limited things like in school only but in other places, we do not use it anymore but for me, I love handwriting l like to write my thought own my diary and I think no things is effect as handwriting

  • Yes, I think the handwriting is important for the all people because handwriting is beautiful , and important for anyone reading it to understand, we are in the Arabic language have many different handwriting , in every country there is a different handwriting like: Thuluth script , Kufa script and Ottoman script.

  • Handwriting is one of the most important skill that we have to continue to practice. There are many benefits that we can obtain from handwriting .First, by practicing handwriting you will be able to think much more deep than before also, it will allow you to become a good thinker and writer.Moreover, handwriting i a key to improve yourself and you will become more patient person. Furthermore, handwriting will improve you understanding and focus also you will be more crative person than before

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