Everyone knows that laughter is important, but why? Spotlight looks at the many benefits of laughing out loud!

Voice 1  

Welcome to Spotlight. I’m Colin Lowther.

Voice 2  

And I’m Liz Waid. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

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Voice 1  

Today’s Spotlight is on laughter!

Voice 2  

Lord Byron was an English poet who lived 200 years ago. He said,

Voice 3  

‘Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.’

Voice 1  

Charles Dickens was a famous English writer in the 19th century. In his book ‘A Christmas Carol’ he said,

Voice 4  

‘There is nothing in the world so infectious as laughter and good humour.’

Voice 2  

Martin Luther King Junior was a leader in the US Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s. He said,

Voice 5  

‘It is cheerful to God when you rejoice or laugh from the bottom of your heart.’

Voice 1  

At about the same time Audrey Hepburn was a Hollywood film actor. She said,

Voice 6  

‘I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think laughing is the thing I like most. It cures a lot of problems. It is probably the most important thing in a person.’

Voice 2  

These people describe laughter as a medicine, an infection, praise to God, and the thing they like most. How can it be all these things? We often laugh at jokes and funny stories. But scientists have studied laughter. They tell us that laughter is about far more than jokes and funny stories.

A group of young women laughing
Photo by Hannah Nelson from Pexels
Voice 1  

Professor Robert Provine is a neuroscientist at the University of Maryland in the United States. He discovered that we are 30 times more likely to laugh when we are with other people. He said that laughter is a signal we send to other people. It is a sort of language. If we are alone, laughter almost disappears. In the web journal Psychology Today he explains,

Voice 7  

‘Laughter is mainly a social voice that joins people together. It is a hidden language that we all speak. It is not a learned group reaction. It is a natural behaviour.’

Two women of the Maasai laughing
Photo by bradford zak on Unsplash
Voice 2  

Professor Sophie Scott is a neuroscientist too. She works in the United Kingdom at University College London. She is also a part-time comedian. She tells jokes to audiences. She wrote for the BBC about how this laughing language works. When we talk with our friends we laugh at their comments. The comments may not even be funny. But we show our friends that we like them and agree with them by laughing. She writes,

Voice 8  

‘The science of laughter is telling us that laughter is less to do with jokes and more a social behaviour. We use it to show people that we like them and that we understand them.’

Voice 1  

So we all speak the “language” of laughter. And we all recognise laughter. But people in different cultures use humour and laughter in different ways. People in one culture may find something funny. But people in another culture may not find the same thing funny. And people in different cultures do not always agree WHEN it is correct behaviour to laugh. People in the United Kingdom and the United States may use humour in a business meeting. But people from Germany or Japan would not usually do this.

Voice 2  

People can also catch laughter. For example, one friend will start to laugh. And then another joins in. And then another and another. You may have experienced this. Earlier we heard that Charles Dickens said that laughter is infectious. This makes laughter sound like a disease. In fact, in an incident from 1962, laughter seemed like a virus. In that year three girls started to laugh at their school in Tanzania. They could not stop laughing. More girls started to laugh. Six weeks later 95 girls were laughing and could not stop. The school had to close. The laughing spread to other schools and villages. By the end of the incident, about 1,000 people had been affected.

Voice 1  

But for most people laughing is not a problem. As Lord Byron suggested, laughter can be like a medicine. Many researchers have studied how laughter has the power to reduce pain. In one study, researchers tested how long people could suffer pain. They did this by putting something frozen on people’s arms. Half of the group watched something funny. The other half watched something neutral. The researchers found that people who had watched something funny increased the time they could suffer pain.

Voice 2  

Professor Robin Dunbar of Oxford University led this research. He believes that when we have great big laughs the body releases natural chemicals called endorphins. These chemicals act as pain killers. Other experts have suggested that laughing makes us think about other things than the pain. Or, laughing makes muscles relax, so they are not painful anymore.

A man laughing
Photo by Brian Lundquist on Unsplash
Voice 1  

Many scientific studies show that humour also has a positive effect on the immune system. This is the system that defends a body from infections. Paul McGhee is an expert who writes and speaks about laughter in the United States. He advises,

Voice 5  

‘Building more laughter into your life helps you to have all the natural healing resources of your body ready for use.’

Voice 2  

Other experts believe that laughter may even help prevent heart disease. Michael Miller is the Director of the Center for Preventative Cardiology at the University of Maryland in the United States. He has been involved in research in this area. He says,

Voice 9  

‘The recommendation for a healthy heart may one day be exercise, eat right and laugh a few times a day.

Voice 1  

You may now think of laughter as being like medicine. But could it be medicine for a nation too? In South Sudan the United Nations Mission in South Sudan even tried to use laughter as a way to help heal a nation. South Sudan has suffered from a civil war. In 2016 South Sudan held a festival called ‘Let Us Laugh’. During the event comedians told jokes about politics and life.

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A UN press release about the event told about Tong Tong. He is a student in South Sudan. He explained why the event was so important.

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“This is good for South Sudan. It is the way to go for peace. Laughing together is good, because if we can all laugh together at the same things it will be harder to see each other as enemies. We can be friends instead of fighting each other.”

Voice 1  

What makes you laugh? Has laughing ever helped you? Tell us what you think on our website. Or email us at radio@radioenglish.net. You can also comment on Facebook at Facebook.com/spotlightradio.

Voice 2  

The writer of this programme was Katy Blake. The producer was Bruce Gulland. The voices you heard were from the United Kingdom and the United States. All quotes were adapted for this programme and voiced by Spotlight. You can listen to this programme again, and read it, on the internet at www.radioenglish.net. This programme is called ‘A Good Laugh.’

Voice 1  

Look for our listening app in the Google Play store and in iTunes. We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight programme. Goodbye.


What makes you laugh? Has laughing ever helped you?

Join the discussion

  • From: ssramossilva@gmail.com
    To: spotlight program
    Subject: to answer to the questions below
    Date: Tuesday 10, November 2020
    Location: São Paulo city – São Paulo Brazil South America

    Dear Liz Waid, Colin Lowther, Bruce Gulland, and Katy Blake

    First, I want to tell you that thank you very much for bringing us more one great article.
    Question 1 – What makes you laugh?
    Answer 1 – It makes me laugh when I see someone happy so I show a discrete smile on my face or when I am watching a film on television at home and I see a funny scene so I laugh.
    Question 2 – Has laughing ever help you?
    Answer 2 – Yes, It has. Sometimes I am sad and the laughing has helped me to improve my sadness.
    God bless you
    Severino Ramos da Silva

  • 1. I laugh when someone says a wrong word in some converstions, i mean, when someone employes a wrong word like the kids when they are learning to speak, Its a joke of course!!!!

    2. YES OF COURSE,laugther always helped me for example, whe my children were young and dint time for nothing i smiled and that relaxed me.

    • I get you … but sometimes it’s not good to laugh at people when they speak… as this may hurt some people .. but If you are sure they will accept your laughter .. ok , do it.

  • – A lot of things make me laugh . But I think my sister , she has a humor soul more than any one , she always makes me Laughing .
    – Yes . It’s changing my mood and that a enough .

  • Many things make me laughter, like jokes or comments my friends
    I usually laughter on many things and some time I can’t control myself and this make problems, for example when I go to the consolation, or when I do presentation, or something formal but, still I love laughter.

  • When someone make jokes, when someone laugh aloud, when I watch movies ỏ some funny videos and when I talk with my funny friends..
    Laughing helps me a lot to overcome my emotional struggles, reduce my stress and makes me think positively.
    Thank you so much Spotlight.

  • Laughter is really like an infection when someone of my friends laughing I laughing too But sometimes I don’t so I think that’s a return to my mood if I was in a mood I’ll laughing with all who laugh

  • I’m usually laughing when I was with my cousins, friends, sisters and all my family.
    We are remembering something that happened in the past and laughing

  • I like this podcast so much, thank you.
    I used to laugh a lot since when I was a kid, everyone was commenting that I have a beautiful laugh. Laughing is an amazing expression makes you feel relief and happy no matter what problem you have.

  • You may have heard that old saying, “Laughter is the best medicine. It’s true: laughter is strong medicine. It draws people together in ways that trigger healthy physical and emotional changes in the body. Laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress.

  • There are so many things that can make me laugh. Laughter can come from the most insignificant of sources. Always laugh when you can. It is a low-cost medication; in fact, you do not need to pay anything. I once became very ill and had to be hospitalized; I was so depressed until my friends arrived and made me laugh; when I laughed, I was happy, and my pain faded significantly; I didn’t notice them anymore. In fact, many studies show that when we laugh loudly, our bodies release natural chemicals known as endorphins. These chemicals act as analgesics. That is probably why, in the program treatment for cancer patients or similar diseases, doctors always advise that keeping your spirit comfortable, happy, and full of hope will help you to treatment. And many patients appeared insurmountable, but laughter and optimism brought about a miracle. So, always laugh when you can!!

  • I laugh when I listen to some of my friends … they are so funny and they make me laugh may loudly.
    Laughing has helped me at the hard situation because if I didn’t it into a joke .. it will destroy me.

  • am laughing when hear humor or joking, watched children play. I laugh easily and love peoples the funny. In my culture people loved release lots of jokes on appearance anyone sometimes when know this person being humor and funny, but sometimes this rude. Should on people being polite when release jokes

  • There’s a lot of things makes me happy like watching comedy drama or films and when I am with my friends and family. Yes laughing me when I am sad and boring I watch a funny clips or chat with my friend then my mood changes completely.

  • I usually laugh from short comedy videos, recently I read a tip says that there are two ways to get out the negative energy in our body if in anger or laugh. So, the best way of course is laughing.
    Thanks Spotlight for this amazing topic.

  • First of all, thanks Spotlight for amazing website .

    – what makes you laugh ?

    Actually , a lot , when I watch comedy drama romantic movie ( when before you ) this movie make me laugh and cry , Egyptian movies make me laugh . Also when I play with children , when I feel sad call my best friend and talk , when listen funny stories .There are a lot actions me laugh .

    – Has laughing ever helped you ?

    of course , the laughing get off native angry when I feel sad of when I feel upset .

    Laughing is good for our heath .

    ( I know my English not perfect but I’m try to learn ) .

    Thanks ,

  • I like to make people laughing eapecially my close friends ,also i like a human who make me laugh.
    Sometime the laugh change my mood so its very important in my life .

  • Hi All
    I have 2 kids, they are 3 years old. For me, kids make me laugh a lot. Sometimes, because of their cute voice or lovely gesture make me happy and laugh all days. I think the laughter express happiness

  • I ALWAYS LAUGH AT MEMES I SEE ON TIK TOK IT JUST MAKES ME WEEZE FR and some stupid jokes that are just so funny to me because they are THAT ridiculous

  • In general, sitcom series and some memes too, and my Friends comes first in this 😀
    when we are hanging out.
    yeah, it helps me a lot sometimes I got very sad very disappointed but when my friends tell a joke, or something laugh it helps me a lot.

  • honestly I laugh all most of the time even about small thing whenever I find the chance to laugh I do it and yes of course that’s helping me a lot to do a lot of things and to be more active

  • Laughter is good for people who suffer in their lives at least to reduce their pains
    I think just laughting is a time waste for people who wants to achieve something in their lives but that is not mean i am against laught but lets not make it something big like a medicine

  • I have many things makes me laugh and happy such as when l speak with family about funny topics and also when I watch a comedy movies and when l take a good mark espially when I study hard. Moreover, happiness it’s the principale thing help body avoid many diseases and problems and laughing and smiling to give us beauty and confortable by person. Finally, I hope all peapole to be happy and all time lauthing. In order to live in
    ressurance and peaceful.

  • Thank you spotlight for bringing for us these precious informations.
    When ever i am with my friends, they tell a lot of laughing realistic stories or jokes that make me laugh, in this moment we share together the happiness and hidding laughing language with our laughs out loud.
    Laughter helps people in many different situations, for example: in stress, in pain, in ills and etc. It dicreases the effect of these states, instead of being in a bad mood.

  • Only certain people make me laugh. But you ….. you are a genious.
    More like I wish I were born like you. It was like putting a 50,000 piece jigsaw puzzle together that was the most fun Ive had in a long time. Id never in a lifetime be able to word it, or say it in a comprehensive manner, but omg you are a genious. Can I laugh now? It does feel a lot better.

  • I have a many friends they make me laugh,
    And I like laughing so much
    , I think the laughing helps us to live.
    I am a comedian person
    The people around me say that .

  • The thing that makes me really laugh is sitting with my nieces because we share the same silly subjects and each one of us share her funny comments and imagine and keep laughing for a long time.
    Laughing is really helpe my in many bad situations, if and when need an advice I will tell you just laugh.

  • I laughing when I be with my family and my friends , there are many things I laughing about it 🙂
    I think the laughing it is a medicine and helped me to overpass anything bad !

  • the things that make me happy and make me laugh its to listen to the laughing
    sounds . yes why not as the prefacer said its a cheep medicine

  • -Instagram reels after midnight can change my mood by 180 degrees and when I sit with my friends sometimes I laugh when I just see their faces.
    -Yes, of course.

  • – Instagram Reels past midnight drastically change my mood. Seeing my friends’ faces bursts me into laughter.
    -Yes, of course.

  • What makes me laugh? I find humor in clever wordplay and unexpected situations.

    Has laughing ever helped me? Absolutely, laughter is a great stress reliever and helps me feel more relaxed and positive.

  • Many things make me laughter, like jokes or comments my friends
    I usually laughter on many things and it helps me a lot to overcome my emotional struggles, reduce my stress and makes me think positively.

  • – what makes you laugh ?

    Actually , a lot , when I watch comedy drama romantic movie ( when before you ) this movie make me laugh and cry. Also when I play with children , when I feel sad call my best friend and talk , when listen funny stories .There are a lot actions me laugh .

    – Has laughing ever helped you ?

    of course , when I feel sad of when I feel upset .

    Laughing is good for our heath .

  • 1.-I laugh at jokes and funny situations.
    2.-Yes it has, sometimes laughing at life helps me when I’m sad.

  • Listening to jokes with my friends or family makes me laugh. Yes, I think that laughing is one of the coolest things, because you forget about everything and spend a relaxing moment, probably with friends.

  • what makes me laugh? i find humor in clever wordplay and unexpected situations.
    Has laughing ever helped you? absolutely, laughter is a great stress reliever and helps me feel more relaxed and positive.

  • Mainly plays, clown shows or comedians make me laugh, as well as hanging out or being with another person and of course it has helped me because I feel a sense of well being and relaxation as well as giving me a positive mood.

  • What makes you laugh?

    I laugh when I watch comedy movies especially those in which Adam Sandler comes out other things that make me laugh are joking with my family and friends also watching TikTok’s funny or when someone has a very contagious laugh

    Has laughing ever helped you?
    Yes, of course, in my moments of depression or when I’m sad, laughing at something funny helps me feel better also to connect more with people who have the same humor and generate more friendship.

  • I laugh when someone says a meme from some video or movie, or when a friend make something dumb just for fun.
    Yes it has, when i feel stressed or out of mind , laugh makes me feel good again.

  • My friends and family make me laugh with jokes and “carrilla”, the only thing is that you have to be able to take it.

    Yes laughing out loud, makes me feel very happy and after I feel very relaxed and with no worries.

  • 1. What makes you laugh? My family’s jokes at meetings
    2. Has laughing ever helped you? Yes, with beautiful memories in sad moments

  • 1. It makes me laugh at people’s occurrences and improvised responses.
    2. If it helps me to distract myself and not get stressed.

  • What makes you laugh?
    When I’m with my friends, or I watch a comedy on television.
    Has laughing ever helped you?
    Yes, it makes problems look smaller, when there are any, or simply laughing feeds

  • -What makes you laugh?: it makes me laugh when i’m with my Friends because of that they says, meme on social networks is also make me laugh.
    -Has laughing ever helped you?: In effect, in high school I suffered from stress and anxiety, in some cases I’d been in depression, but I met up with some friends on the street, they made me laugh with what they did and said. I also watched YouTube like the W2M crew, who made me laugh twice as much becaus of the reckless things they said, and blogs about daily life,

  • What makes me laugh are clever jokes, witty observations, and funny stories shared by friends and comedians laughing has definitely helped me in many ways it lightens my mood when I’m feeling stressed or down, and it brings a sense of connection and joy when shared with others

  • 1. I laugh when I’m with my friends, when something funny happens to me and I’m in a good mood.
    2. Laughing has helped me a lot on days when I don’t feel well.

  • The occurrences of my friends or something funny that happened, yes, when he says something funny

  • I think that laughing is good as long as it is the place and time to do it. At least I, who am a very smiling person, really enjoy when I have fits of laughter, being alone or with my friends.

  • 1. What makes you laugh?
    Funny videos and movies make me laugh, even my friends do things that make me laugh.
    2. Has laughing ever helped you?
    Yes, I feel like my body releases a lot of stress with laughter.

  • 1. What makes you laugh? conversations and meetings with my friends, they always make me laugh with their jokes
    2. Has laughing ever helped you? Always, laughter is a medicine and helps me live a better life

  • I reilly enjoy watching podcast videos on YouTube my favorite podcast is se me subio el muerto, they are horror stories, but they always make jokes about the stories, they are very funny.

  • What makes you laugh?

    The funny videos on Facebook make me laugh, or the series I watch on Netflix, or when talking to my boyfriend, he is very funny.

    Has laughing ever helped you?

    Yes, it has helped me a lot, for example to forget a bad time that happened, or on days when I am sad and I don’t want to do anything.

  • My pet makes me laugh a lot because he is very funny, it calms me down and gives me energy to continue.

  • People, other people’s laughter, pain, strange sensations and even noises make me laugh, it’s part of the happiness of life.
    Yes, it has helped me, for example, as I said before, in pain, when I can’t bear to laugh so as not to cry, or in uncomfortable situations it helps me relax.

  • i always listening podcast of different themes, but my favorite is one histories of terror what they are never scare, because make jokes all chapter.

  • What makes you laugh?
    I laugh when I watch TikToks or videos of Hasbulla, and also when I talk with my friends, I tend to laugh a lot.
    Has laughing ever helped you?
    Definitely, laughter helps me a lot in times of sadness or during awkward silences. It has become an important part of cheering myself up and improving my mood.

  • actually i love laughing a lot i don’t know if that’s helped me in my life but in the moments of laughing it’s really makes me feel like a happy butterfly even i see my self more beautiful.

  • Mostly l laugh on tik tok Reels It is very fun
    Laughing has a really good effect on my mood even if I make someone else laugh that makes me happier

  • I laugh when someone tells me a joke or reads a funny story to me
    also when I was with my best friend

    a laugh helps me with many things like optimizing my mode on the bad days

  • What makes you laugh? Has laughing ever helped you?
    that make me laugh is the person funniest and the jokes. Yes laughing has helped me every time, because laugh is like vitamin for the body.

  • I don’t know what it makes me laugh sometimes when i watch comdic film or speak with my my friends they said some jokes or explainesination of any thing and i laught of this while laughing helped me to thinking correct and live my life in agood health

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Episode 23