When people meet for the first time, there are a few common questions that get asked.

“Where do you live?” “What do you do as a job?” “Will you tell me about your family?

English Can Help You Talk To The People You Love

Talking about these simple questions helps to build a connection between people. When you meet again, you may talk about more important or personal things. All people want to connect to other people and talking is a great way to do that. These connections could be with co-workers, friends, or family. One reason people learn English is to find someone to love! This is one of the best reasons to learn English: so that you can talk to the people that you love.

But even if you speak the same language, it can be difficult to always communicate perfectly. When you understand the Five Love languages, your relationships will improve.

This series of Spotlight English programs is based on the work of Dr. Gary Chapman and his book The Five Love Languages. In this series we look closely at each love language and how it affects your life. We also look at examples of how knowing these love languages can change your life

The Five Love Languages: Kind Words 

The Five Love Languages: Kind Words is the first program in the series. Liz Waid and Adam Navis look at using kind words (words of affirmation) to express love.

The Five Love Languages: Quality Time

The Five Love Languages: Quality Time. Colin Lowther and Liz Waid look at showing love to other people by sharing special times together.

The Five Love Languages: Receiving Gifts

The Five Love Languages: Receiving Gifts. Liz Waid and Bruce Gulland look at showing love to others by giving and receiving gifts.

The Five Love Languages: Acts of Service

The Five Love Languages: Acts of Service is the fourth program in the series. Liz Waid and Colin Lowther look at showing love to other people by caring for and serving each other.

The Five Love Languages: Physical Touch

The Five Love Languages: Physical Touch. Adam Navis and Liz Waid look at showing love through good physical touch.

The Five Love Languages: Love Across Cultures

Bonus Program: The Five Love Languages: Love Across Cultures. Love languages can be as different as English from Chinese. But what if people are trying to show love to someone from a different culture? Can they learn each others’ love language?

No matter how you express love, learn different ways to show and feel love will make all our relationships better.


What is your “Love Language”? Do you think there are more than 5? What is missing? 

Join the discussion

  • In my opinion , I see we need to use all the 5 languages to show our love to other .
    I’m using one or two of them , I use a kind words to other and sometimes giving gifts
    , I know that’s not enough but I’ll work on my self to be more attention to my love language

  • I think my love language is physical touch , I love when someone who loved him holding my hand or sitting near to me or hugging .

  • Even though I’m Asian, my love language is Physical Touch and Acts of Service. I feel happy when He pats me on the head, hugs me, or shows interest.
    I think there are more than 5 “Love languages”.

Further reading

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