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Welcome to Spotlight. I’m Liz Waid.
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And I’m Bruce Gulland. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.
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Alone in her room, a young girl sits down and begins reading a book. The book is a very famous one. It is called “Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry.” It tells the story of Cassie Logan and her family. They live in the United States in the 1930s. And they are African Americans. In those times, the state of Mississippi had a severe problem with racism. The government allowed people to make life difficult for African Americans, and people with darker skin colour. Often, groups of white men killed black men and women without punishment. It was a very frightening time.
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But the young girl does not know this. She knows little about American history. She is growing up many years later, in the 1970s. The situation in the United States has improved. But reading the book helps the young girl understand Cassie Logan’s fear, and her other emotions. The girl reading is white. She lives in a very small town, where there are no black people. But the book helps her see what it is like to be different. When she finishes the book, she is crying. That night, she tells herself she will never judge another person by what they look like. The book has changed her life. Today’s Spotlight is on how reading can help people understand each other.
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There is a name for the emotion the girl felt while reading the book. It is empathy. There are two different kinds of empathy. The first lets people sense other people’s emotions. It is what happens when we feel sad because another person is sad. Or it helps us understand that a person is angry, even when they will not say.
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The second kind of empathy is called cognitive empathy. This is what happens when a person reads a book. Cognitive empathy happens when a person tries to identify and understand another person’s emotions. Some people even imagine that they are the other person. There is even an old English idiom for cognitive empathy: taking a walk in another person’s shoes. It means to imagine that you have lived their life.

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Scientists do not yet know exactly what happens in a person’s brain when they feel empathy. It is a very complex process. But scientists have observed it happening. They believe empathy involves a brain cell called a mirror neuron. These cells work when we observe other people. Mirror neurons send messages through the brain. This is called “firing”. When these cells fire, they help us to identify emotions we see. But the same kind of cell also fires when we HAVE that emotion. So, when we are sad, a mirror cell will fire. But when we see someone who is sad, that same cell fires. We can understand an emotion. And through mirror neurons, we feel that emotion ourselves.
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Empathy is very important in society. Without empathy we would not help each other. We would not care for each other. As a feeling, empathy makes us want to help. It makes us want the world to be a better place.
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Barack Obama is the former president of the United States. In 2006, he made a speech to the graduates of Northwestern University. He described how empathy influences how people act.
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“Think of a child who is hungry or the steel worker who no longer has a job. Or think of the family whose home was destroyed by a storm. When you have empathy, it does not matter if they are close friends or far-away strangers. It is difficult not to act. It is hard not to help.”
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Most people have empathetic feelings. But people can train themselves to be more empathetic. However, this takes work. Meeting people who are different than we are is one way to gain empathy. But distance often divides people. So it is difficult for people to understand each other when they never meet.
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Reading may be a solution for this. The girl who read “Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry”, did not know any African Americans. But the book helped her understand the life of a person who was. Cassie Logan was not a real person. But her situation was real. And the girl understood Cassie’s feelings. From the book, the girl learned a little of what it was to be African American. She felt like she could understand.

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David Kidd is a psychologist. He studies the science of how people behave. Kidd works at the New School for Social Research in New York. In 2012, he helped show that reading increases empathy. In a test, he made people read different kinds of books. Some of these books were literary fiction, or complex invented stories. These stories made people think about the emotions of the characters in them. After reading these literary fiction books, the people were better able to understand what other people were thinking. And they could more easily identify emotions.
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Keith Oatley is another psychologist. He also studies how reading connects to empathy. He tells the Washington Post newspaper,
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“When we read about other people, we can imagine that we are in their position. We can imagine what it’s like being that person. That lets us better understand people and to work together better.”
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Many studies say that the effect of reading on empathy only works for complex fictional, or invented, stories. That is because this kind of writing concentrates on a character’s thoughts and feelings. This helps the reader to feel like they are inside the character’s head and thoughts. This produces the effect that leads to empathy.
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Today, many scientists believe that books are good tools for increasing empathy. But for readers, and many writers, this is not a new discovery. Together, they have made and explored new worlds and places. They have looked at how different people think and live. Stories have taken them places they may have never gone before.
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Have you ever read a book that changed you? How did it make you feel? Tell us about your experiences. You can leave a comment on our website. Or email us at radio@radioenglish.net. You can also comment on our Facebook page – just search for Spotlight Radio.
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The writer of this programme was Dan Christmann. The producer was Michio Ozaki. The voices you heard were from the United States and the United Kingdom. All quotes were adapted for this programme and voiced by Spotlight. You can listen to this program again, and read it, on the internet at www.radioenglish.net. This programme is called ‘Reading and Understanding.’
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Look for our free listening app in the Google Play store and in iTunes. We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight programme. Goodbye.
Have you ever read a book that changed you? What is your favorite kind of book to read? Write your answer in the comments below.
I really love books, because I may know other thoughts and ideas, sometimes new cultures, landscapes, values and so on. Many books have impressed me. For example, The book called “The perfum” by Patrick Süskind, it is awesome book. Everything is excellent, like a good art written. There is philosophy, psycho, chemistry and fiction. The author has a excellent way to write. I can learn about perfum production’s process. This book has two opposite ideas: attractive and disgusting.
It was perfect.
*I could
thank you for your sharing
I will read this book soon
there is no book effect with me or changed me never ever
I love to read history or culture books
I don’t like reading a lot but sometimes feel I need to read. this month I read one it’s name new land I can’t remember the writer’s name but it was very good it has many thoughts made me thinking different way I really like it
I recently read a book named the anxiety of striving for standing, I really liked how this book changed my point of view of some important things in this life. It explain how the democracy and revolution increases everyone’s aspirations and demands, leading to increased chance of mental illness and depression. Despite the small percentage of People “whom don’t represent the community” did reach their goals.
I like to read books very much
When I Was a student untill now
My favorite kind of books are: history and famous people
I’m reading: 44th Pressidents of American
I like to read books efew months ago I recently read book named how to stop worrying and started a new life
Actually that book changed my life
And I getting more advantage about how to reduce worrying
Because worrying cousea depression.
actually , I’m not reading to much , but if I found time for reading I preferred motivation books ,
l usually read a lot of books and short novels but l can’t to find book changed me
l like to read book .l think help us to increase empathy . reading help us to benefit from other experiences
l like to read a romantic novel but l read all kind of books
Maybe yes because I didn’t finish it ,my favorite book to read it is psychological and
unconscious mind
I still have vivid memories of an episode from early childhood. Our school teacher always made us read in the same order. One day we had a short story that was particularly moving. I had a block in my throat with emotion and I was terrified, waiting my turn, at the idea of making a fool of myself. Fortunately everything went well, I managed to finish the reading without crying. We like empathy, because by promoting identification with the characters in the book, it makes us seem even better than we are.
I was not into reading books I always prefered watching documentaries and videos than reading a book, but every time I meat someone who loves reading books I feel they’re different they’re more cultured,educated and have really nice thoughts, so I decided to begin reading books and I started with novels and I enjoyed it a lot and its my favorite kind of books now.
I love reading very much. I think it is the key of getting knowledge about life. one of the most important book which i am very sure will make a difference on each one who reads it is the holly Quran because it is the book which desribe every single thing we need in our life as it is form Allah who created us and knows ever part in our life. I encourge you to read it and enjoy.
I agree with you
yes I read one book is changed my idea is neam (Because you are God)
me to. it is a great book.
Good Job ,The Book It Is Very Beautifull .
الكتاب عميييق ججدًا
Hi I went really learn english can anyone help me
I read books about the biography of the Prophet Muhammad. My feelings moved a lot, and how the Prophet Muhammad taught us that there is no difference between people except with piety, and that we must help each other. The Prophet Muhammad said, “Love for your brother is what you love for yourself.”
Thank you for this topic, It was very entreating.
My favorite kind of book to read, A waken the giant within
Thank you for this topic, It was very interesting.
My favorite kind of book to read, A waken the giant within
I had read a nutrition book that changed my life to achieve a well-balance diet to reduce heart disease.
Hello everyone
Yes, I do
My favorite kind of book is the Historique book and the business book.
yas,I read a book change me it was a book called(be my you)i like the book to be speak on history and self.the reads are varry enjoy and lern the bady thigs Humanity
for me I watched an emotional movie like the help it’s deep empathy that night I was watcht I can sleep very well.
Yes of course. For example Jack London…
It helps to imagine as if you are even in the head of an animal such as a wolf
When you are reading being heard a piano müzik,, very very boring,, only read, we dont want müzik in backround please
Hi George, thanks for your comment. We do use music and sound effects in many of our programs to help in understanding and to set a tone or mood. I’m sorry you do not enjoy it. Is it distracting to your listening? We do try to keep the volume of the music and sound effects low so they are not too distracting. We hope you can appreciate other things about the program.
Yes, I have book with name ” The secret ”
He changed me with many idea.
And there are many perfect book.
i am not reading books because i am busy all time , but i feel need read a book , i like romantic books and intresting books
Yes, the book name is ( life in management) the author name DR Ghazi ALghosabi .
This book is changed myself to best . The author talked about his experience in management and .
I haven’t ever read any book that changed myself. Since i was a child until now, i didn’t very good at reading or in other words, there are many kind of book nowadays, it’s difficult to find a suitable ones. To be totally honest with you, I pretty like some kind of book about fiction such as Harry Potter, Maleficent, Beauty and the Beast or something. They are very fascinating. thrilling and have many special effects. They are performed by many famous actor and actress.
I’m reading a book whose name is “The life – changing magic of not giving a f*ck”. I know. The life when we take care of each others is so good. But LIFE ISN’T ALWAYS A BOWL OF CHERRIES. So, we should take care of ourself, too. The other one is good for my life. It is “Một Ngày Của Tôi Có 48 Giờ” ( A day in my life has 48 hours ). I can improve myself with a science life, be myself but better.
I’ve ever read a book that changed my life. Thick Face Black Heart is the title of the book. Chingning Chu, a famous Chinese author, has temporarily translated Mat Day Tam Den into Vietnamese.
The book describes the positive aspects of the Thick Face, Black Heart as they apply to life and work.
Thick Face Black Heart are not always as repulsive and repulsive as we often imagine them to be.
It assists us in achieving our goal and knowing how to effectively refuse someone’s request when kindness is exploited.
My favorite books to read are those that teach people about the art of leadership and how to improve soft skills. It appears to be very useful and interesting to me.
Yes, I have read a book that changed my mind about the life and improve my self. It’s name ‘Your limits are my starting point’. It’s very exciting book I have read. I changed my mind, my habits, my action,… to be better. I love it, love reading book.
Yes, I have read a book that change my mind about life. It’s name “Your limits are my starting point”. It’s very exciting book. it’s change my mind, my habits, my action, etc… to be better.
I want to share it with people, who are worry about the future and life goals. This book will help you figure out the answer and action.
And I love reading book.
I don’t like reading. I tried many times but I can’t. I feeling bored when I read
I’m still reading books that changed who I am, and my favorite kind of books are about self-development, for example: “The courage to be disliked”
My hobby is read books. My favorite kind of book to read is novel and help-self. In the present, I read the book called Hai so phan. The kind of book is a novel. I recommend you read it
In the time my country is affected by COVID-19 I had to stay at home, then I read lots of books and i love it.
On occasion, I read novels or some short stories on Facebook, a sad story will make me feel sad and possibly cry, but a positive story will make me feel happy and probably laugh. I enjoy immersing myself in each story and feeling the emotions of the characters: empathy hepls me better understand what the author is trying to say and feel all of the emotions
Well, reading is a way to get into the lives and stories of others. It allows you to glance through the perception of someone, apart from yourself, through those words.
Reading may or may not make you a more empathetic person. However, it depends on which books you read. Some books were written specifically in order to deter the reader from becoming more empathetic.
Hello.. The book that I read daily is the Qur’an. The Qur’an is full of stories of previous peoples and the way the prophets called these peoples. It made me understand the feelings of despair, frustration and fear for these prophets and their difficult lives and gives me the energy to go through this life.
Yes , I read a sport book about what the player feel when he be in stadium . My favorit kinds of book l like to read them are scientific book about engineering and science
I love read a (legal books) because I want to improve my personal skills to get a lawyer job.
I remember reading a book called The seven Habits it really help me in my life. Because I become created a new good habits in my life.
The reading books can make you anther kind of you and can make you important kind of yourself ☺️
The book can you ad Life to you live.I believe that reading books can change the world and make the ears better than now .
We should make big libraries in our communities Instead of big wor buildings .
I like read stories and novels
Yes, a book is a written history that can give you a learning experiences
My favourite kind of books are self_development books Actually I am a new reader and I am enjoying by reading it’s develop me thanks spotlight for these amazing podcasts
I love reading books since I was a child. I have read many books and I only found the most impressive one when I was 25. The series of books that changed my thought at first, then changed my actions and my whole life. There are 6 books of FOUNDATIONS OF MORALITY in the series written by Ph.D of Law – Ven. Thich Chan Quang. The books tell stories and give readers idea about virtues human should have and how to cultivate them in real life. They are bilingual books which are written in Vietnamese and English. Since then, I love reading books about morality because morality is extremely important. Human civilization is based on social relationships and technology, but people could take advantages from each other and use technology to damage the world if they don’t have morality. I truly hope people all around the world can leave their selfishness and their competition to live in peace, respect and love.
I’m so grateful to the team building and developing Spotlightenglish.com!
Best wishes.
Thanks for your comment!
I like this episode also, my hobby is reading so I read a lot of books, and if I talk about the book that changed my life and my emotion is (letting go )by David R. Hawkins is an excellent book I recommend to reading it to live a good life.
I HAVE read a book called (الهالة المقدسة) and this book changed my feelings alot .My favorite kind of book is educational book .
yes ,it was change my feel
i like the romantic stories
I had read White Fang, and he was a wolfdog. I felt the pain he had as he battled other animals. I also felt the love he feltwhen he met his 3rd master. Unlike the other owners, he was gentle.
I had read White Fang, and he was a wolfdog. I felt the pain he had as he battled other animals. I also felt the love he feltwhen he met his 3rd master. Unlike the other owners, he was gentle. He was so nice!
Yes,I have
My favorite kind of book is romantic.
Very nice and thank you forever
thank you for your sharing
I will read this book soon
I rarely read books so I have yet to find the book that changed my life. I understand reading is very useful, so I will try to spend more time reading books.
Sometimes, I read a book when I’m not good feeling. The funny stories and famous people are my favorite kind of book to read. I don’t like the novels because they’re too long and sadness stories. Until now, there is no book effect or change me. I think reading a lot of book will get more knowledges and skills of the life.
I really love reading books and learning language , thank you so much for this programme , It helps so much for me and all of people on the world.
I never read a book but my empathy is high
yes, I read the Quran and feel As if I had never lived before I read it, Yes, it is a particular book. Feelings from another world. Yes, it is from God
your words are great
Yes i had .
The favorite kind of book for me to read is the Psychology and self development.
What a great article
Many thanks for this great work
I have read a religious book, and I love it so much . My favourite kind of book is psychology
No, I want to read different stories
Still alive
This book reach me to empthies with my grandmother when she have alzahaimaer
It was just one time. The name of the book is alktab and Quran. This book and another few books also changed my live. I have been being another person. My thought have changed completely.
I think that reading a book is look like watching movie. I used to read books when I was young. During I read sad parts of a book, I used to cried. Books can change a person. There are different kinds of books and they can give you a different emotion and empathy. Now I hasn’t read books for so long. If I have a free time, I hope I can enjoy a book.
Thank for your interesting videos. Your videos give me a lot of knowledge that happening things in the world. Without reading, watching your videos is very useful for me because I haven’t no time. Thank you very much.
Today, I have just read a fantastic article on the internet, that is the article “Reading and Understanding” on spotlightenglish.com. “…That lets us better understand people and to work together better” This sentence adds me the benefit of reading books that I have just recognized. Thank you so much!
You’re welcome!
No, I haven’t read any book before, but from now on, Iam excited to read books and enjoy their benefits
I like to read books about person’s experience in prison .
I love reading book, I read “The Kite Runner” is the first novel by Afghan-American author Khaled Hosseini,
It was amazing novel, it made me cry:(
Yes, i have read the book ‘The secret’
It was amazing book.it’s transforming me into different preson,helping me make dicision and control my thoughts
Yes i read ( charisma for female) it’s an amazing book, and changed my thinking and how i live. I love to read books and learn a new things in life.